By accessing the Prospectus you agree to and acknowledge reading these terms set out below.
Exposure Period
In accordance with Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act, this Prospectus is subject to an exposure period of 7 days from the date of lodgment with the ASIC. This period may be extended by the ASIC for a further period of up to 7 days. The purpose of this exposure period is to enable this Prospectus to be examined by market participants prior to the raising of funds, which examination may result in the identification of deficiencies in this Prospectus. If this Prospectus is found to be deficient, applications received during the exposure period will be dealt with in accordance with section 724 of the Corporations Act. Applications received prior to the expiration of the exposure period will not be processed until after the exposure period. No preference will be conferred on applications received in the exposure period and all applications received during the exposure period will be treated as if they were simultaneously received on the date on which applications open.
Persons to whom offer is available
The offer pursuant to the copy of Prospectus available on this website is only available to persons receiving an electronic version of this Prospectus within Australia.
Further, this Prospectus does not constitute an offer or invitation in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer or invitation. The distribution of this Prospectus in jurisdictions outside Australia may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of this Prospectus should seek advice on and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws.
Application for Securities
Applications for securities under the offer made pursuant to the Prospectus can only be made on the personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form which is attached to the paper Prospectus sent to each eligible shareholder.
A personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form is attached to the paper Prospectus and both can be obtained by eligible shareholders free of charge from Duketon Mining (Telephone: (08) 9389 2111).
The Corporations Act prohibits any person from passing to another person the application form unless it is attached to or accompanies the complete and unaltered version of this Prospectus.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you will be able to access the Prospectus.
The Prospectus files were created with Adobe Acrobat.
Duketon Mining is not liable for any loss incurred from accessing or relying on this site, including but not limited to data corruption on download.
For more information or if you have any queries you can to contact Duketon Mining on:
Acknowledging that you agree to these Terms & Conditions is necessary prior to downloading the Prospectus.